Rubbing biotin on the scalp for hair growth – Does it work?

If you are struggling with hair loss, then you may have been surfing the internet for any type of remedy which can enable you to fight your hair loss. You might have read that biotin is one of the remedies for hair loss and you think “does rubbing biotin on the scalp work for hair growth?”. Let’s answer all of your questions.

It’s important to understand that biotin is a water-soluble vitamin mainly known as B7, which enables your body to convert food into energy. Biotin can be found in various foods such as egg yolks, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, almonds, and some other sources.

Biotin deficiency is a cause for hair loss

Biotin may play a part in producing strong, healthy hair, but how they are connected has not been established entirely, but on the contrary, experts are very certain that biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss. Biotin deficiency isn’t easy to identify and diagnose, as hair loss can occur because of a wide range of underlying health conditions.

Biotin deficiency is diagnosed when there are specific visible symptoms, such as the fading of one’s hair color, hair shedding, brittle nails, and sometimes a scaly skin rash.

Without enough biotin intake, you may lose all of your hair, eyebrows, along with symptoms like insomnia and fatigue. The metabolism of your scalp also gets disturbed because of less consumption of biotin.

Bition supplement for healthy hair growth

In the case where you are diagnosed with biotin deficiency, your doctor will likely advise you to supplement biotin. Biotin can be taken in pill or tablet form. Some biotin enriched hair products are applied topically, but are often more expensive and may not be as reliable in treating the underlying problem of biotin deficiency in your body which can cause more symptoms than just hair loss.

You should talk to your doctor before using biotin. Try to learn as much as you can about how it can benefit you, apart from just affecting your hair growth. There are various ways in which sufficient biotin levels are beneficial to your body, but since this is a hair blog we are mostly focused on the hair implications related to biotin.

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Commonly asked questions

Can I apply biotin directly to my hair?

You can rub biotin on your scalp if it is a topically applied biotin hair product.

It’s claimed by many companies that their hair oils, masks, shampoos, and conditioners can make your hair appear thicker, increase the fullness while adding shine.

But instead of applying all types of different products, biotin oils are often inexpensive and can naturally accelerate hair growth without just creating an illusion to change its appearance.

When you rub biotin oil into your scalp, it nourishes your hair follicles and makes dull hair seem fresh and alive in the long term, while also preventing your hair from shedding. The shampoo and conditioners give your hair an instant but temporary boost, making it look fuller and healthier.

Even though instant results can be seen after using many hair products such as topical biotin, it’s still debatable if you will see the difference over time.

It’s reported by many users that it can improve the overall appearance of their hair, but not many studies have looked at how much of it penetrates the skin and how it affects the hair follicles and the scalp. Some researchers theorize that the regrowth of hair is mostly caused by other factors and that biotin may have little effect on hair growth.

Can biotin be absorbed through the scalp?

While there is no evidence that biotin oils, shampoos, or conditioners can make your hair grow because it contains biotin, or whether it can penetrate the scalp (read the full study). But on the other hand, when a person takes biotin supplements orally, the nutrient enters the body directly and is more likely to provide health benefits provided that the person is biotin deficient.

If you are diagnosed with biotin deficiency, talk to your doctor about taking biotin supplements, as that is the best way to address the problem directly. Apart from improving hair growth, fixing one’s biotin deficiency also may improve the appearance of your skin as well as one’s overall health condition.

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Does biotin help to grow hair on bald spots?

While some people with biotin deficiency have seen hair growth from biotin, it does not deal with the root causes of male pattern baldness, which are hormones and genetics.

At the end of the day, most people suffering from male pattern baldness are doing so due to heredity and especially one’s hair follicles sensitivity to the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Unless one fixes this problem by taking a DHT-blocker or 5-alpha reductase blocker or other product that lowers the DHT levels in the scalp or protects the follicles from the DHT, one’s hair loss will continue.

Biotin can only halt your hair loss if you are biotin deficient. Biotin deficiency is a very rare condition, therefore it’s most likely your bald patches or hair loss is due to heredity, hormones, or other underlying health conditions rather than being caused by biotin deficiency.

But even if biotin deficiency isn’t the cause of your hair loss, it doesn’t mean it won’t affect your hair growth. Biotin is believed in helping hair grow stronger and faster.

Can biotin improve hair texture?

Biotin is known for making your hair appear thicker, shinier, silkier, and it reduces the dullness of your locks. As biotin is well known for growing stronger and thicker strands, we can say that taking biotin supplements or applying biotin products may help in your mission to have lustrous, silky-textured hair that’s still full and healthy.

How to use liquid biotin serum to grow hair

While biotin is not clinically or scientifically proven to make your hair grow faster or regrow hair from bald patches, it has been reported by people that they can see that the hair they still have looks fuller and thicker.

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Biotin serum helps in boosting hair roots while improving hair growth and promoting healthy hair health. The serum helps in making your hair look silky and shiny as biotin mostly improves the hair conditions and makes people’s hair look better than it was before using the serum.

You can start using a serum by taking 2-3 drops on your fingertips, and gently massaging it into the scalp in a circular motion. The serum is designed to be left in, so allow time for the hair strands to fully absorb the serum. Using the serum daily will bring the best results.

Full and thick hair may help cover up the bald patches and disguise your baldness. But this is not a permanent solution, and you may want to read more about other hair loss solutions.


Biotin is known as a B vitamin which is crucial for our metabolism, while it also supports our overall health condition in many ways.

Biotin is mainly known for hair growth, making hair silky and lustrous, but despite its hype among people and claims of the products, biotin doesn’t make your hair grow magically. It might give your hair an instant boost in its appearance which makes it seem like your hair has become thicker.

If your hair fall is because of biotin deficiency, then taking biotin supplements may help your body as well as your hair. Biotin deficiencies are rare, but they can cause complications regarding hair, skin, and nails.

If someone has a biotin deficiency then they can increase their biotin consumption by taking biotin-enriched foods, or biotin supplements. If you still feel unsure, then make sure to consult your doctor.

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