Minoxidil Before and After Pictures (Reddit): Men & Women

I’m one of those people who have suffered from hair loss for a long time.

I had to do something about it, so I found out about this topical solution called Rogaine, the brand name Minoxidil.

Minoxidil is one of only two FDA-approved drugs for androgenetic alopecia in men and the only approved drug for women. This topical medicine has been shown to help with hair regrowth and stop further hair loss in more than 80% of users that complete at least 12 months of therapy. Observational studies have proven this.

I will be including some before and after pictures from other rogaine users that I have found on Reddit over the years who have used minoxidil and taken photos before and after, well as some stories they shared about how their lives changed once they regrew their hair.

Disclaimer: These results aren’t typical. Only a few percentages of people who use minoxidil experience it as being very effective. Most users just experience less hair loss or prevent further hair loss while using it.

Check out these videos first:

3-month results from using minoxidil (video)

8 years before and after using minoxidil (video)

4 months on minoxidil only

Here’s a user from a discussion forum at Reddit sharing his results from using only minoxidil as hair loss treatment for 4 months.

The before picture

4 months on minoxidil only before
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/jgbnyq/4_months_on_minoxidil_only/

After picture

4 months on minoxidil only after
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/jgbnyq/4_months_on_minoxidil_only/

In the first picture, you can clearly see the scalp through his thin hair. In the after picture it is so much denser you can barely see his scalp at his vertex, even though his hair also seems to be much shorter.

See also  Minoxidil 2% vs 5%: Difference Between Mens & Womens Rogaine

The Reddit user who shared his result pictures explains that he applied minoxidil two times per day, and experienced a lot of shedding for the first two months.

The shedding was so bad that he even considered stopping using minoxidil altogether. He’d run his hand through his hair and would shed 4-5 hairs every time. But that didn’t happen anymore once the shedding phase was over and the new hairs grew out.

The key point to keep in mind: This treatment requires patience and it might get a lot worse before it gets better.

Just imagine how more confident he feels now that his hair is thick and dense again. Was it worth it to go through those few months of shedding and doubt? I think so.

Results From 3 Months on Minoxidil + DHT Blocker (pictures)

Another person who shares his results with a few pictures.

In the before photos on the top, his scalp is quite visible through his thin mane of hair. But the bottom results photos clearly show a much thicker, denser, and even darker hair.

3 months minoxidil before and after picture
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/lmhp8o/3rd_months_it_is_and_my_hair_went_completely_dark/
3 months minoxidil before and after picture
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/lmhp8o/3rd_months_it_is_and_my_hair_went_completely_dark/
3 months minoxidil before and after picture
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/lmhp8o/3rd_months_it_is_and_my_hair_went_completely_dark/
3 months minoxidil before and after picture
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/lmhp8o/3rd_months_it_is_and_my_hair_went_completely_dark/

This user says his hair became a lot darker after the treatment. The shorter and thicker hair also made it difficult to maintain that specific hairstyle as the newly regrown hairs seem to possibly grow out in other directions and weigh down all the hairs.

He also started derma rolling in the third month with a needle depth of 0.5 mm two to three times per week.

Quite impressive to say the least

Another example of rogaine results (pictures)

Here’s another case for you. This time difference between these two pictures is 4 months and a few days.

See also  What Happens When You Stop Using Rogaine?

The before photo was taken on the 29th of March, and the after photo taken on the 1st of August.

Before picture vertex/crown area

rogaine results
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/iqub2o/minoxidil_results_march_29_august_1st_2020/

Before picture hairline/front area

rogaine results
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/iqub2o/minoxidil_results_march_29_august_1st_2020/

After picture vertex/crown area

rogaine results
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/iqub2o/minoxidil_results_march_29_august_1st_2020/

After picture hairline/side area

rogaine results
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/iqub2o/minoxidil_results_march_29_august_1st_2020/

The user says he is subscribed to Keeps, which is a hair loss treatment service for men which works like a subscription plan tailored to the user’s specific case. He gets a new delivery every 3 months.

Keeps come with access to a doctor through a dashboard, where you can keep track of all the products you will receive, such as hair loss drugs and shampoos. The doctor can also prescribe finasteride for you, which is a prescription drug.

This user explains he was first on finasteride as well, but stopped using it early due to worries about potential side effects and just kept using the minoxidil twice a day.

Minoxidil + Finasteride for 25 year old male.

Last case in this post. A 25-year old male using both min+fin. He had been on finasteride since he was 16 years old.

Before treatment

min + fin 25 years old hair loss
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/mnhfd4/minoxidil_finasteride_25_years_old/


fin + min 25 years old hair regrowth
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/mnhfd4/minoxidil_finasteride_25_years_old/

He started using minoxidil around the time for the before photo, and the after photo is about 5 months later.

He says at first he experienced crazy shedding for a few months until his hair started to grow thick at around 4 months.

Simply amazing. The combination here brings those quick gains by using minoxidil, and that potential halt in further hair loss by a long-term reduction in DHT by using finasteride. However, since he had been on finasteride since he was 16, it may not be that effective for him in preventing hair loss. The regrowth from minoxidil must be continued in order to maintain that hair, but over time it may also decrease in density because the DHT continues to damage the hair follicles.

See also  Dermaroller and Minoxidil for Hair Loss

Women’s Rogaine/Minoxidil Before and After Pictures

These pictures were taken 17th of November, and 5th of January.

In less than 2 months, and this is the result:

women's rogaine before and after pictures
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HaircareScience/comments/7ob50a/my_female_hair_loss_minoxidil_results/
women's rogaine before and after picture
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HaircareScience/comments/7ob50a/my_female_hair_loss_minoxidil_results/

This woman shares her story and says she started thinning around 20 years of age, and it gradually got worse and around 25 and 26 years old she decided to do something about it. When taken these photos she was 27 and had been on Regain 2% minoxidil for women.

The interesting thing in this case is that it got so much better so quickly. What happened to the shed phase? Perhaps the women’s version of the 2% solution is not as strong and therefore does not cause all hairs into a new anagen hair growth phase right away, and thereby causes less initial shedding. These are just my thoughts and ponderings.

That’s it, folks. Hope you enjoyed this post.

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