Scalp Acupuncture for Hair Growth Treatment- Does it work?

Scalp Acupuncture to Treat Hair Loss: There is nothing scarier and more frustrating than witnessing strands of your hair stuck in the hairbrush after you have used it. Our hair remains the crowning glory of your head, so noticing signs of hair loss becomes dreadful for us.

Sadly, our unhealthy lifestyles, unbalanced diets, and stress wreak havoc on our hair, and may even result in hair fall and balding. And even spending a fortune on hair products might not save our hair in the long run.

However, scalp acupuncture has been proven to be a greatly effective treatment for acute as well as chronic illnesses of the central nervous system. Scalp acupuncture often produces noticeable results with just a few needles, and sometimes shows immediate progress within a minute.

Chinese scalp acupuncture is a unique acupuncture technique that blends Western medical knowledge of areas of the cerebral cortex with traditional Chinese needling methods (read more).

Regular acupuncture sessions enable your hair to grow with ease while restoring balance in the body. It is sometimes recommended by acupuncture experts at least 10 to 20 sessions of acupuncture to deal with the root cause of the problem.

When it comes to acupuncture as a hair loss treatment, it can help reduce follicle inflammation while increasing the blood circulation in the scalp to stimulate hair growth.

Does acupuncture treatment work for male pattern baldness?

Male pattern baldness is the typical pattern of hair loss that most men experience as they age. This type of hair loss is caused by genetics and hormones. It is believed to occur when hormone levels change over a man’s lifetime. It is believed to be most affected by dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a byproduct of testosterone production.

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DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink over time, resulting in only thinner and shorter hair growing in the follicles. Eventually, the thinner hair stops growing, and the hair follicle is no longer able to grow and hold hair. This process is called hair miniaturization.

There is currently no evidence that acupuncture can treat male pattern baldness because it does not affect the root cause of the problem which is believed to be the level of DHT in the scalp, or how it affects hair follicles.

But it may, however, be able to stimulate hair growth in hair follicles that are weakened by DHT, as it improves the blood circulation to the follicle. It is almost like keeping the hair on a life support machine that may or may not help it extend its life a little bit, but once it is cut off from the machine, the condition worsens.

So please understand that weak hair follicles and male pattern baldness are mostly a result of genetic factors and hormonal changes, and acupuncture should not be considered as a treatment.

Acupuncture for hair loss before and after

The acupuncture needles are created to accelerate nerves in your body. Including the skin, tissues, and glands. Blood circulation can also be improved by using needles. The needles may also stimulate hair follicles to encourage hair growth.

During a scalp acupuncture treatment for hair growth, a competent practitioner will place small metal needles into your scalp to activate precise spots and increase the blood flow. It is very much believed in the hair loss treatment industry that enhanced scalp blood circulation promotes hair growth and that a lack of proper blood flow is one of the major causes of hair loss.

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Also, during acupuncture, the practitioner assesses the condition of numerous vital organs and conducts a thorough health examination to identify organs linked to hair loss. If he or she notices any of your major organs are out of balance, they will help you to restore the balance of these organs.

The acupuncturist’s main aim is to maintain harmony and encourage hair growth. For reliable outcomes, specialists often recommend up to 10 treatments. Throughout the treatment period, certain acupuncture sites, particularly around your hairline, are in focus to encourage hair growth.

After scalp acupuncture, you may experience some sensations around the part of the body that has been treated, while also feeling heaviness, a sensation of water energy, and a sensation of water or energy movement.

Acupuncture vs micro-needling for regrowing one’s hair

In the practice of acupuncture, the general idea is that the body’s life forces must be in harmony for the body to be healthy. The flow of energy throughout the body stabilizes the forces. When this energy is barricaded by a condition, it causes illness and pain.

Acupuncture locates and discards the blockage while restoring health, balance, and wellness while easing pain.

Micro-needling works in the same way, but the only exception is that in micro-needling there is only one target organ: the skin.

The goal of micro-needling is to stimulate skin rejuvenation by improving blood circulation and producing more collagen, which is done by forcing the healing effect of the body by micro-cuts and micro-tears that do not do damage.

Micro-needling can also help in hair growth and in cases of alopecia, but acupuncture is the process that helps restore proper balance in the body which could help stimulate hair growth and improve the overall health of the hair follicle nerves.

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Can acupuncture cause hair loss?

No, acupuncture does not cause hair loss. There has not been any research or evidence found which can indicate that acupuncture can cause hair loss. On the contrary, some studies have looked at whether acupuncture can improve hair growth in people with seborrheic alopecia (see study).


Acupuncture is a Chinese needling method, which helps in relieving body pain, illness, or discomfort. It implies injecting thin needles in a person’s skin at specific points on the body to relieve them from pain. It helps in blood flow and circulation, which results in good hair health.

If you are still wondering if you should get acupuncture because of your hair loss, then it would be very beneficial for you as well as your overall health. Acupuncture tends to benefit the whole body, but before trying acupuncture make sure to consult your doctor or physician.

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